Sever Spirit

From: Hasni Mubarak <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 19:45:24 -0400

> From: (Jon Thorvaldson)
> Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 10:26:56 +0200
> Subject: Humakti sever spirit, Italian Runes
> Hasni Mubarak <> wrote:
> >Ew, I just thought of something....since Humakt gets Sever Spirit
> >Reusably...does that mean that initiates can cast it once a year! Ick!
> I do not think so. In CoP it is specifically astated that Initiates can not
> get SS, and that Rune Lords get it as a one-use spell. It would make sense
> as death should not be dealt with that easily, even (especially?) by
> Humakti

Well since A)I don't have Cults of Prax (assuming thats what CoP is) and B) I've allways understood that Swords get SS reusably, that means that initiates can get it un-reusably like all other spells. It almost makes up for being un-resurectable. And let me tell you, if you play the old "death by massive damage in a vital limb" rule, it's VERY easy for a Humakti to die DEAD permantly. Sword or not, heck Parried or not.

Now, I'm not saying that a Sword is going to teach every chump who happens to have 3 points of power the spell. But then again, it is three points of power for a 50/50 chance of killing somebody with an equal power and no magic. Heck, we just had a fight where the NPC Sword popped of five of 'em, and never overcame. (And he had a 4 point advantage over the bad guys.)

BTW, speaking of reusable but normaly restricted divine magic, do people play that initiates of Challana Arroy can learn Ressurect, since the High Healers can get it reusably?

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