Sorcery origins

From: Brian Tickler <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 13:15:42 -0700 (PDT)

>>system has spirit and divine magic, but what about sorcery? Was this
>>handled by a special version of spirit magic (like Lunar sorcery), or was
>>the whole sorcery concept "Gregged in" for RQ3?
>Gregged in. There was proposals for a sorcerer to cast divine magic
>without worshipping gods (and mentions of getting some spells by
>compelling 'demons' to cough up was made but not detailed). However
>when RQ# was written up, it had mutated into a new magic system.

I always thought being "Gregged" implied that something that used to be one way actually changed to being another way. In the case of sorcery, I believe it was more a matter of just being unpublished/unfinished for a long period of time. In San Francisco we were using sorcery rules in 1980; I still have my sorcerer character from Al Dewey's campaign. The rules certainly mutated, but summoning demons and casting spells with no divine aid was in there. Intensity and some of the other aspects of sorcery that are entirely unique to that magic system were still not around at that point, however.

Anyway, no big deal, just pointing out that sorcery did exist prior to RQ3.

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