
From: Richard Melvin <rmelvin_at_radm.demon.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 23:10:34 +0100

Some back of the envelope calculations:

IMHO, it is highly unlikely that even the most arrogant Solar priest would think that they can get the undivided attention of Yelm for the cost of a one point rune spell.

Instead, they would rationalise that the question was answered by the a local aspect/servant of the god, with only limited knowledge. Perhaps this aspect would have knowledge of events in the local area since the local temple was founded (or refounded).

Important questions, such as the fate of the kingdom or the founding of a temple, warrant bigger magic. Perhaps a special version of divination only available to high priests. In this case, the question might be answered by the local cultural deity (Yelmalio or Orlanth etc.), who would have complete knowledge of events within the kingdom since it was founded. In ambiguous cases, such as the re-founding of Pavis, only partial knowledge would be available about earlier eras - this is something the local priesthood would generally try to conceal.

It would take a _really_ important question (such as "what are the Red Godesses plans for Glorantha?") to get a reply back from the real heavyhitters  like Yelm. Very few people can throw around magic like this in the inner world, so this requires a heroquest.

Of course, the above is a (sophisticated) theist perspective (perhaps that of the famous Lhankhor Mhy scholars from Nochet). No doubt a Mostali would describe the same observable facts in different terms. Perhaps:

Observation of the local degenerate hominids over the last 12,000 work- cycles has revealed a significant trend towards greater levels of communal activity, sometimes coordinated over significant geographic areas. In many cases, this is associated with standardised patterns of interaction with various thaumic field entities, including hominid personality remnants, primordial cosmic consciousness fragments and internal and external agents.
In the author's opinion, these activities represent a significant threat to planned maintenance activities, in that they are a source of unpredicatable localised fluctuation in thaumic field strength. Urgent action is recommended to investigate options for bringing forward the periodic hominid cull.  


yours for a Glorantha in which it is both possible and meaningful for people to be _wrong_.

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