Gaumata's Vision ending

Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 17:09:18 -0400 (EDT)

About time for another topic besides "what is and what isn't Glorantha myth and Gregging" (is that a literary version of flogging? :) my apologies to Greg).

now, talk about messing in Glorantha.. I ran Gaumata's Vision this week in our Ralian campaign. No Yelmalians. The characters knew something was wrong but couldn't or didn't press the issue with the villagers so I had them spot the barn which they explored. One of the ogre children shot at them after giving the warning, then fled but was caught. As there were only 4 characters they
went back to their post with the captive child. The army will send a stronger detachment to deal with the villagers and divinations should reveal the truths. I plan on having the characters follow the trail of the chaos children to Dyskund Caverns instead of taking part on the village assault. Which brings up the question "What will the villagers and the mistress do knowing that they've been found out and the army will return in force?"


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