Peaceful Cut

From: Ian Gorlick <>
Date: 05 Jun 1997 16:36 EDT

Michael Cule:
> about still requiring the Butchery skill roll (to
>tell how well the animal is prepared mundanely) but replacing the roll to see
>if the animal is prepared correctly with a simple spirit spell which can be
>boosted with Ceremony?

I've been using a similar idea. Roll against Butchery enhanced by Ceremony to succesfully cast Peaceful Cut. A failure causes no problem except that the animal gets lost for a while and takes longer to reach the underworld and it won't tell all its relatives how nice you were. So they won't be so keen to let you kill them, they'd rather find someone more appreciative.

Thus those who regularly use Peaceful Cut successfully will find it easier to find game. The animals allow themselves to be found by those hunters who truly appreciate them.

>Unless they fumble in which case the animal has become ritually impure and must
>be abandoned lest its spirit haunt the hunter. ("No, you can't eat this pile
>of fresh meat we have just found abandoned.... It isn't safe.")
I like this idea a lot. I can see starving hunters facing a real dilemma.

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