Short comment on Undine Water Bottles

From: Arnold Andersson <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 11:19:55 +0200 (MET DST)

Loren Miller on Undine Water Bottles

>On the other hand, I dislike the idea of keeping drinking water in a
>bound undine and dipping your ladle into it whenever you feel
>thirsty. Maybe the answer is that you have to have a place to put the
>undine when it manifests, and how might you have a watertight 250
>gallon container in the middle of the desert? Oh, and watch out for
>the leak, the undine is leaking away into the sand, happily
>kamikaziing to get away from its cruel master.

And there should be a fair amount evaporating off as well under the dry and hot desert conditions. Maybe you should only drink from your bound Undine at night when it's colder, so not to waste the precious water supply.


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