Re: Trollkin Curse

From: David Weihe <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 15:21:01 -0400

Comrade Trotsky said:
> ...If trollkin litters consisted of identical siblings, then the curse
> could have to set in at or (like armadillos) shortly after conception.
> But I get the impression trollkin litters contain a mixture of male
> and female babies, superior and pathetic in, etc. So, logically, it
> must set in at the moment of ovulation at the very latest

It could also occur when the egg implants into the womb lining. Given that both the DarkTroll and Trollkin Curses both are supposed to have affected Korasting, the Mother of Many, internally (first burning her through with Yelms Light, then the adamantine claws of the WombBiter), I would think that this is more likely.

Multiple births usually yield trollkin, Second or Third Age, because there are a limited number of usable sites (for implantation) in the modern Uzko womb. Either the siblings push each other from the good sites, or else one (a future Value) gets the best site and they others must settle for the "stony ground" remaining. Any gynocologists in the list can expand this diagnosis.

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