
From: David Cake <davidc_at_cyllene.uwa.edu.au>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 21:12:23 -0800

rhwolfe_at_ix.netcom.com says...
>You're thinking too damn hard and not playing enough. Get
>out those dice, blow the dust of your Cults of Prax, and get to it.
>Nothing makes me sadder than to ask a Digest luminary when was the last
>time he actually played RQ and get the answer... "Dunno. Been years,
>really. But I have developed a fascinating theory about the nature of
>the Crimson Bat's digestive system."

        I expect you'll get a storm of angry replies, but just to get in first....

        The majority of the 'digest luminaries' do actually play. Stephen doesn't, admittedly. David D, Pam, Jeff Richards, Dave Pearton play weekly in an enthusiastic and entertaining group. I play weekly. The TOTRM crew in general seem to have had some great campaigns. All this discussion on the digest is in general an addition and an extension of gaming, not a substitute for it. Don't fall into the trap of assuming that because you don't see how some of the stuff discussed isn't useful in your games, that it isn't useful in mine, or that there is anything wrong if it isn't useful in a game. Not only do people here run some fascinatingly different games using standard rules, they also try and push gaming in new directions, like the fabulous LARPs. They write fiction, and which has completely different needs of its own, and create art, and create board games, and miniatures games, and heroquest rules. There are a large number of ways in which people explore Glorantha, including debate, and ALL of them are good.

        I find the essential nature of the gods pretty important when trying to construct heroquest mechanics. I find the cultural differences between religions have mattered in my game when my Orlanthi PCs interact with native Praxian spirits. All sorts of things discussed on the digest can matter in peoples games, if you want it to.

>So you'll forgive me if when I read the Digest lately, my mouse
>arrow is inexorably drawn to the delete button.

        Reading it all, however, is not required. If you don't want to read it all, don't.

        Rant over.


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