The Glorantha Digest, Volume everything.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 13:59:42 +0100 (BST) writes, amongst much of the same ilk:
> You're thinking too damn hard and not playing enough.

Why, rh, thank you. You've truly Illuminated me, and I feel Healed of the need to ever see a thoughtful post in the Digest again. (Just as well, as often much use of the "Next" button is required to find one.) Clearly, we'll all go off now, and play RQ until the corners are worn off our dice, during which time the Digest will fall silent, save only for the sound of the U. Texas mail server quoting itself quoting the digest quoting itself quot-- you get the idea. Then we can come back and post lots of War Stories.

The place for talking about Glorantha is (among others) the Glorantha Digest. The place for playing RQ is (among others) others our living room tables. I hope there's a profitable overlap between the two, but the solution to not seeing the kind of posts you'd like to see, the better to wear down those die corners, isn't whingeing about what people have to say about Glorantha. (I'll draw a discreet veil over the discussions about meta-Gloranthan theories, legal non-niceties, and how soon the majority of Convulsion attendees will be getting there by Senior Citizen Railcard.)

Where was I? Ah yes, HeroQuest. Now, the definitive HQ game mechanic

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