Argrath and the Telmori

From: Thomas Gottschall <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 15:30:20 +0200

Hi everyone (and especially Jane),

I never saw Densesros in *this* light though I already knew that he changed some smaller parts to suit Argrath's taste. I always assumed thta both Argrath _and_ Kallyr lighted the Flame. But at the German RQ-Con Joerg pointed out that Argrath cheated somehow, a very smart idea. And it was Nick or him (or both) that said that the Telmori disobeyed Argrath because they only serve the rightful heir to the throne (I will explain "my" story later). And as KoS says Kallyr and the Telmori were allies and this bastard Argrath (I hate him for he destroys my tribe, curse him)fought against the Telmori till they surrendered and we outlawed. I wonder what Sartar himself would say to this.  

> BTW, do you have any ideas what Argrath's quarrel with the Telmori >was?
> And, come to that, which Argrath it was? I've heard theories, but you
> seem to have studied the Telmori in more detail that the rest of us.

Actually I am thinking on this question for several month (since the RQ-Con) and it seems only half-ready and somehow inconsistant but I will state it anyway for you wished that.

How many Argraths are there ? Three : White Bull, Garreth Dragonspear and Argrath Giantfriend (the nice one) ? My sources are first KoS and second my imagination, so watch out !

IMG Argrath is not the real King of Sartar. He behaves so strangely doing one thing here and the opposite there. I say that man who Argrath is (I mean the body) is indeed the heir but his soul is not his own. He is either possessed or something which has the same effect. Now he cheats at lighting, perhaps lighting is a wrong word since the flame was already burning but he asks Orlanth for his help and gets the big effect infront of many Sartari who then recognise him to rule them. So some Telmori King (not Kostajor since he is on the Heropaths in my campain to bring back life and peace, one of the oldest Kings of the Telmori, aged around 90 in 1627) come to visit Argrath and states that he knows the Argrath is just
an usurper nothing else and that his tribe will not allow someone like him to sit at the throne of Sartar. Now Argrath kills this King publicly (of course this is not stated in CHoDP) and says that the Telmori are chaotic and in league with the Lunars (KoS p.27, The Lunar army rushed to save _their_ monsters). The Telmori are confronted by all the tribes of Sartar at one time. They fight like fiends but have in the end no chance against a whole kingdom as a little tribe (though the most military powerful). They are destroyed through magics until then unknown (KoS p.27, ...and they sniffed out their foes in the night and through dreams). But the tragic part is that in the end when Argrath and his warriors
who are "very highly honoured" (p.27) afterwards, come to the core of the Telmori Woods they encounter Kostajor just returned from the Heroes' Paths. They slay all Telmori regardless if man, woman or child. And Argrath
charges at Kostajor, him standing without belief and in tears seeing what has
happened to his tribe, Argrath holding aloft his sacret sword, and praying aloud to Orlanth for help and aid, and he slays Kostajor, the wolf who had saved Jarosar and Terasarin, the wolf whose wounds were cured
by his own great-grandmother. This is tragedy. Afterwards all the Telmori lose heart and either fight until they die (out of grief, I think the is a similar scene in Lord of the Rings, where a King dies and his whole army stormes the field) or migrate somewhere.
It became quite long, sorry for those who weren't interested. I hope this helps you somehow, Jane.
- --
bye, Thomas

Visit Telmori's Forest : "Historians from England will say I'm a liar, but history is written  by those who've hanged heroes." Robert the Bruce

End of The Glorantha Digest V5 #54

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