RE: troll bits

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 1997 12:56:51 -0500

        As I originated the concept of darksense as sonar, I feel compelled to defend it. Darksense, in my opinion, is most usefully understood as sonar, whether or not it sends sounds through air or "dark". It may well transmit flavor or odor or some similar value to the troll as well as sound. It may be transmitted better through pitch-blackness than through daylight. So. That aside, what aa

Benedict Adamson
> a hulking figure stomps into the room. It doesn+t greet you.
>Time slows to a crawl. Do you dare ping it?. Is it Auntie Crush? How
>do you find out? What is the mechanism for idendifying individuals by

        Easy - you can tell them by two techniques: Firest, everyone's darksense ping is different. Just listen to it. If it's Auntie Crush, the ping she emits is unique. As different as a person's voice or face. Of course, Auntie Crush could be consciously not using her darksense, in which case this can't be used. Second, the bulk, internal organ volume, and surface texture of everyone is slightly different. This is a cruder way of determining who someone is - kind of on a par with trying to tell someone by seeing just their silhouette in a darkened doorway. You can easily tell if the intruder is male or female, enlo or juvenile uzko, or what they're wearing, but you could be fooled as to who they were, just as a human can be fooled by appearances.

I do not believe that troll faces are very expressive, at least not subtly so. I think they're probably as expressive as a dog's face. Which is to say they can project quite a few emotions, but they lack the subtlety and variety of a primate's repertoire.

Moxie: moxie tastes like old rubber tires with a slight licorice flavor. Someone compared it to root beer & cola, neither of which it resembles in the slightest, in my opinion.

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