Teshnos rules no waves

From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_toppoint.de>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 97 23:24 MET DST

Mark Mystic Musk Ox on visiting Teshnos:

>For some reason, a voice in the back of my head keeps saying: "Think Burma/
>Thailand". I think it's the elephants that do it.

There's also the geography - the jungle-ridden peninsula south of the great eastern empire, with dragons and stuff.

>I'd be especially interested in any info about Zitro Argon, Somash, Solf,
>Calyz and Furalor. The first three correspond roughly to Dayzatar, Yelm and
>Lodril - the Genertela Book mentions some local variations, but doesn't give
>any more details.

Solf seems to be a cross between a lazy Lodril variant and the indulgent trickster aspects. None of Lodril's active traits - these have all gone to Calyz, who is very much a "young Lodril" figure. Furalor might have some likeness to Rausa as described in the LBQ.

>Is there anything on Calyz or Furalor (who at the moment I see as a mixture
>of Asrelia and Ty Kora Tek), or indeed Tolat?

Nothing I am aware of, except numerous mentions on the digest.

>It seems rather odd that seagoing vessels are "practically unknown", with all
>those islands around - is this due to apathy, fear of Trowjang Amazons, fear of
>Yellow Elves, fear of Kralori warfleets, a leftover effect of the Closing,
>or all of the above?

IMO this is a leftover of the Closing paired to the fact that, while the Pharaoh had declared to cease expansion on the seas, there is a sizeable Kethaelan colony at the (island?) port of Dosakayo, founded by the 1588 expedition. They provided Harstar with enough shipping capacity to take his followers over to Melib Island, so I suppose the Kethaelan armed merchant vessels are around in some considerable number. Think Arabs, or Dutch and British, in Malaysia - they kept the shipping lanes somewhat free of native competition. Likewise I envision Kethaelan vessels from Dosakayo doing patrols and peddling while having an eye on foreign vessels intruding the strait west of Teshnos. East and south of the peninsula they would be scarce, though. Dosakayo could be as much a transshipping point for merchants from Teleos, Kralorela, Maslo Coast or East Isles as it is (effectively) a colonialist pirate nest.

Of course the Wolf Pirates will come here regularly, too, as will the Amazons (Dayak-like). And there must be a large Brown Vadeli ghetto there.

There is this Italian novel-hero Sandokan who might fit well into this region...

>Although Dombain is referred to as the main port of
>Teshnos, so does the statement about vessels refer only to military ships?

Dombain is the main mainland port.

Apparently even the change-immune Teshnans saw the prudence in letting foreigners risk the terrible seas and bring luxury goods for the palaces.

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