Lunar cycles

Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 17:36:23 -0400 (EDT)

Putting on my professional hat again:

<< 3. But the ascent of the red moon was a chock to barbarian women in another
 sense. They perceived it as the obscene exposition of a secret to be kept  only to women: the secret of menstrual cycles. (I suppose that women's  physiology in Glorantha is the same as that of women in earth and they have  menstrual cycles).>>

     No doubt. But what has that got to do with the moon? The Red Moon has a period of 7 days, rather less than our own. Now, 7x4 does equal 28, fair enough, so you *could* make a case if you wanted to. But that would have to be a recent addition, since prior to the Red Moon rising there is no obvious link to anything - except possibly in myths about the GodTime Moon, which the barbarians are unlikely to know of. The Blue Moon, while it does influence the tides, has a period IIRC of 1-6 days (BTW does anyone know if there's a pattern to this?... ES is unclear) which has nothing to do with women's cycles. So why would anyone make the connection moon = menstruation?

<<4. Even worst, barbarian women think that the extension of the glow line, and the fixing of the moon in the full part of the cycle means an awful menace to women: if that happens their menstrual cycle will stop in the bleeding ("red") phase. Maybe women will bleed to death; or they will become barren, like the Red Goddess that only gave birth to one son >>

     The Red Moon doesn't *look* full inside the Glowline, it only affects lunar magic as if it was full. Besides, why would anyone suppose that they'll suffer permanent menorrhagia if the moon remains full? At the very worst they might suppose their cycle would stop where it is (which would, indeed, be likely to make you barren), but as I've just said, I don't even see why they'd think that on Glorantha.

Forward the glorious Red Army!

(snr MLSO, cellular pathology)

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