Thanuk of Thunder Delta

From: Andrew Joelson <>
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 1997 12:55:36 -0500

        I am Thanuk, of Thunder Delta. At the age of 55, my long and exempalary servce to the Lunar Empire has brought me to the position of General of the Reserve Corps, and Commander of the Thunder Delta Slingers.

        It is sacred Time, and Glamour is thronged with notables from all about the Empire. All of the Satraps, Sultans, Senators and Govenors are present. The Count of Spol and the Carmanian Heirophont, the Queen of Holay and King of the Char'un (sneer), all of the commanding Admirals and Generals are here.

        Alas! Many, if not most of this throng forget that this is a holy time, and busy themselves with plots and intrigues. I walk through the streets of Glamour, observing who is talking to whom, without actually stepping into the cesspools of treachery. I am of little interest to the Imperial Beauracracy after all. What am I, but an old Yanafal war dog, grown grizzled in service to the Empire? Too honest and direct to be usefull as a conspirator or tool. Too obviously a Scimtar of Yanafal to be easily slandered or thrust aside. Well, let them all ignore me if it spares me trouble and false accusations. Let them forget that no one rises to such heights without a keen mind, considerable skill and ability, and acquiring powerfull friends....

        I am concerned about the rumors surrounding the Red Storm Season. The official announcements that all is well are too strident. If the Ice-  fail of the Kalikos Quest, then the Emipre will be buried under massive snows, as far south as Mirin's Cross. Thunder Delta will be buried even before Glamour... I must go have a quiet word with Bellex Maximus. It's time for some troop re-deployments in any event.

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