DUCK MINI-PACK - The Five Duck Friends Cult 4

From: Sérgio Mascarenhas <>
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 12:44:13 +0100


Only female ducks can become BBG friends. Needless to say, BBG friends favor axes for weapons. Unlike human BBG worshipers, BBG friends don't have any duty to protect Ernalda.
Ceremonies related with the friendship between ducks and BBG are performed in the fertility day.

Lesser friends
Lesser friends can learn the next spells one-use: Ax Trance, Great Parry, Slash, Berserker, Command Small Gnome, Slash. They are treated as initiates of BBG and they can apply for formal initiation if they fulfill the normal requirements.

Ax Friends (BBG Best friends)
A lesser friend has a chance of POW on 1D100 of becoming an ax friend for each live duck she hatches. (If she hatched twice she would have 2*POW and so on).
Ax friends can learn BBG's Special Divine Magic like a priest. If they fulfill the requirements, they are considered acolytes of BBG without needing to apply for it.

Friendship for Death
This is the narration made by an human BBG priestess of the Friendship for Death ritual performed by a duck ax friend (recorded by a Lankhor Mhy Priest):
"I had been friends of Quelna Brokenfeather an ax friend of my goddess
since my youth. It was no surprise when the little hag invited me to assist her
in becoming the friend for death of my gor master.
"Two days before the ritual I joined her duck band in the margins of the
Creek. I noticed that some ducks, specially the youngest, were not happy with me joining the party. Soon that feeling was gone. That night Quelna disappeared. Next morning me, two lesser friends of the Holy Babeester Gor, and about ten other ducks - friends of other gods - embarked on a raft, descended the Creek and entered the Upland Marsh. We traveled all day and I noticed they felt
more comfortable when I was inside the tent they had in the center of the raft. I decided to stay there. We spent the night traveling and just before Yelm rose in the sky, we landed on a flat island covered with bushes. That morning - or should I say, mOrning - I saw Quelna again for the last time before the ceremony.
"I think that my friend spent those days preparing herself to the shamanic
"At dusk the ducks started to assemble in a ground that had been prepared
to this effect. There were more than 150 ducks. I couldn't see my friend. The ducks formed several circumferences with the most important ducks (Best friends and priests) near the center, and the lowest in the outskirts. I myself was in the first rank facing the shamans across me in the other side of the circle. Only the shamans myself and some more individuals near me were sited. Most ducks were standing and started to sing, clapping their ands hitting the land with their feet. I noticed that some student shamans directed their performance.
"Finally some spirits appeared in the open space in the middle of the
"I recognized the discorporate spirits of the shamans and some other
of which I don't know where they came from (1). At a certain point one of the ducks near me advanced to the center of the circle. For a moment the chanting stopped. Then the spirit of a shaman appeared forcing a spirit into the center. That spirit had to fight the duck there. Eventually the duck won the fight and the spirit was released. Every duck rejoiced with the favorable outcome. Several hours were spent in such rituals.
"It was near mOrning that the ceremony attained the climax. The focus was
my friend. She had to reenact the mythical encounter between BBG and the ducks.
First, a Gostbran priest lited a fire and magically enanced-it. It represented Yelm.
Next, a duck entered the circle from my left. It was an Eurmali friend. He represented this god. For some time the eurmali mimed Yelm and told jokes about this god. The ducks laughed a lot. Next, one of the leading shamans summoned a spirit: the spirit of Drulkazan. That moment a duck came from behind me only to be possessed by the spirit: it was Quelna.
The eurmali friend took an interest in Quelna and they played for a while. That's when the Gustbran enanced fire started to grow, almost embracing and burning them alive. I could almost touch the tension and anguish of the ducks surrounding the circle. Eventually the fire decreased again. Quelna went away from the center to a place where stood a Blade friend. He represented Humakt one of the other Drulkazan friends.
"Next some ducks entered with some large fans and started doing wind
against the fire, reduccing it to a ashes. All that time Quelna and the Blade were playing a training duel.
"When Yelm 'died' all the ducks started yelling and mourning. Some of them,
disguised as dead people, entered the circle and just walked randomly. At that
point Quelna started conducting them to the place across me where stood the shamans. The student shamans received the 'dead' and 'buried' them.
"Now the outcome of the ceremony was arriving: only Quelna possessed by
Drulkazan remained in the
center of the circle. She started to clasp and shout in a low tone, her expression showing great pain and suffering. Her belly was bumping. She fel to the ground, her legs opened in my direction.
"Her sufferings started to upset me. I was tense and slowly felt the gor
growing within me. And then something extraordinary happened: it was not my gor anymore. It was BBG's, not mine, taking control of me. My goddess was present and I was her fetch. Me, myself possessed by Babeester Gor !
"BBG slowly started to walk in the direction of her duck friend. She hold
my ax in her hands. When she was not more then for or five feet away from the poor creature she stopped. The goddess and the druluz stared at each other breathing at the same pace, thinking the same thoughts. Slowly the goddess raised her ax with both her hands, high above her head.
"Next, she let the ax come down at lightning speed, opening the belly of
Quelna and
liberating her spirit from the bondage to the mundane world. I saw that spirit coming out of the dead body like a child comes out of his mother's body. My goddess hold my friend in her hands and they went down to the earth below. I was left bent and half unconscious in the middle of 200 ducks, in body or in spirit, that danced, shouted, singed, and manifested their joy in any possible way."

(1) Note from the LM priest: those can be the spirits of shamans from other duck bands that joined in the ritual. It seems that this is common to happen in druluz' shamanic rituals. It reinforces the bonds between different duck bands.

The material in Duck Mini Pack has never been tested. If you think it is worthy enough to deserve a go, you are on your own. Don't blame me for the unexpected results.

Sergio Mascarenhas

End of The Glorantha Digest V5 #106

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