Ducky glub glub and Undead nature

From: Bernuetz, Oliver: WPG <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 15:53:02 -0400

V.S. Greene noted

> Still, from what I recall of _King of Sartar_ part of the reason
>Sartar had good relations with the ducks was that the ducks were what kept
>the Undeads in line in the Marsh. When the ducks were reduced, the Undeads
>caused trouble. This implies that the Ducks have some sort of way of
>with them. Might be tactics suited to their amphibious abilities, or
>secret magics, or some remembered EWF magics and rituals and charms that
>would work on critters made by an old EWF mage.

It's been a while since I've read King of Sartar so I can't argue with you there. I
just have trouble seeing ducks fighting undead considering their size disadvantages
and low strengths. They'd have to have special rituals or magics.

V.S. Greene again:

> One thing that occurs to me is that it's The Upland Marsh, not The
>Upland Big Lake. It probably isn't terribly deep except in a few pools,
>maybe. A human sized Undead is wading hip deep while ducks are swimming and
>diving around it. The little guys cut its legs out from under it. Small is

True but....I was thinking about this at lunch today and realized that undead like
skeletons and zombies are always out of their element. They're unnatural and have
no native environment. Just because a human would be at a disadvantage standing
waist deep in water doesn't mean a skeleton or zombie would be. If you start worrying
about how undead do in the various environments they're in depending on the corpse
they're made from you realize human zombies couldn't see in the dark. A bunch of
human zombies stumbling around in the dark needing light? I don't think so.  Zombies
and skeletons are always at a disadvantage when compared to living creatures.
Zombies are slow and stupid and skeletons are weak and fairly fragile. To them it
makes no difference where they are whether they're on land or underwater-whether it's
day or night or whatever. Of course they cannot survive in certain environments like
fire and deep mud or quicksand might bog them down enough so they can't move but otherwise they equally uncomfortable everywhere. In game terms I would say they
never suffer from environmental modifiers like darkness or being underwater.

>Now if Delecti decided to borrow the Zombie Gerbils from the GURPS
>Fantasy Bestiary the ducks might be in trouble. :)

He's supposed to be able to stich anything together so maybe in his spare time
he crochets zombie muskrats or beavers? :)

Oliver D. Bernuetz

"Never in all my many travels through Glorantha have I ever met a more boring, lacklustre lot of dolts than I did in the so-called Sun Dome County in Prax. Their idea of fine dining consists of barley gruel three times a day
and all alcohol is controlled by their priests who are the very exemplars of

stodginess and puritanism. Their women are kept locked up away from stranger's eyes and the men profess horror at the idea of boy love. The place's only saving graces are the stupidity of the people in charge and the blindness of the authorities to the hazia trade. The Goddess preserve me from having to visit there ever again."

>From Fresser's Gourmet Guide to Glorantha.

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