Awakenings/Big Swords/Ducks

From: Simon Phipp <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:01:38 +0400

Robert McArthur
> Since many Gods can do this trick, it seem strange that Waha is the only
> one who offers it as a spell (Fix/Release Int)
In Griffin Island, there is an Awaken Hawk spell. I would imagine that many cults have a similar Awaken (Creature) spell for familiars.

V.S. Greene:
> There's a
> comment under magic that they're taught at least one spirit spell,
> Fanaticism, Bladesharp (!? surely they should be taught Bludgeon?) or
> Protection.

Bladesharp because Great Trolls often use Greatswords, especially in CragSpider's Guard. Don't ask me why. They often use Fireblade as well - trolls with Fire, very nasty and scary for most other trolls.

> It looks like a GT doesn't have much personal choice, here.
Slaves often don't.

By the way, if you don't like Great Trolls as Killing Machines (which is what they are, after all) try playing a Maidstone Archer - a huge bow for long range killing, three mauls and a load of Shield for short range killing. I once played a couple of sessions with a Maidstone Archer (Grotaron) character and very enjoyable it was too, especially when a Death Lord sent me Berserk with Shield and Bludgeon/Crush/Seal Wound on all three Mauls - imagine an eight foot tall windmill and you get the picture. I was eventually killed by the local populace for being a Demon. Most unfair.

By the way, I liked Sergio's theories on Duck reproduction - keeping the eggs within and bearing live young when the egg hatches, excellent. The duck children should be able to walk around within a couple of hours, though, if RW ducks are anything to go by. Also, I can't see why they reach adolescence earlier than humans yet mature at around the same time, but there you go. Didn't much care for old ducks willing themselves dead - I reckon that Ducks would try to hang on for dear life, after all what kind of Afterlife would they get, assuming they don't worship a major cult?


Simon Phipp <>

"'Every breath you take, every step you take, every move you make,  I'll be watching you' - That's Police Talk" - Sledge Hammer!

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