Ducks and ducks again

From: Erik Sieurin <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 14:28:20 +0200

Stephen Martin:
> Mammaries are, unless I completely failed my linguistics AND
> physiology
> rolls, a feature of MAMMALS. Ducks are not mammals, they are bird-men.
I began this weird turn of events: Michael Cule classified Ducks (not ducks) as mammals in his otherwise excellent anatian monomyth, and I wondered about exactly this. Honorary mammals, probably, but...

'Do female ducks have tits?'
'Of Course! How would they otherways keep their chainmail bikins on!?' Simon Phipps (I'll answer his other quibble in another letter)
> Secondly,
> Ducks are a Theyalan people and would never act to support Chaos.
They support the swamp, which is in no way chaotic.
> Marshes,
> thanks to the actions of that great "Chaos Helper" Waha, are tainted
> by
> Chaos - helping to keep the Upland Marsh going tends to further the
> cause
> of Chaos.

Waha aint a Theyalan deity and most ducks never heard of him. The Devil's Swamp is Chaotic, the Upland Marsh aint.

> I liked Erik's description of the Upland Marsh as a fertile haven for
> the
> Ducks - I see it as a large Wildlife Sanctuary maintained by Delecti
> and
> his forces where Ducks and Newtlings and the animals of the area can
> live
> in peace and safety.

Ah. But you still claim the Ducks think that swamps are foul chaos nests.
'Support Chaos? Never in my life, we just live long and prosper because of it!'
Frank Whipfeathers, WindDrake
Well, it fits the stereotype of Ducks as cowards and liars...

Loved the PekTok story!

Erik Sieurin

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