Re: Down to the Scum Quarter; Lunar Myths; Praxian horses

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 17:29:08 -0700

MOB wrote

> >Just played through "Down to the Scum Quarter" in Breakout! No. 34.
> >What a laugh (choose A Five-Pronged Fish-Spear from the Equipment
> >list!!!)!
> >Thanks for the hint Mr. MoB. If you have the chance to play or buy it
> >on an auction go for it.
> One copy of this splendid issue of Breakout (which also has Stafford's
> Umathela and Oceans) sold at the Victoria Con, so that person's in for a
> chuckle or two if they play through it. Look out for this issue, and get
> it if you can!

Yes indeed, thanks to Fabian's note, I played the solo. It was indeed probably the most amusing solo I've ever gone through.

The Oceans stuff is essentially what was in Tales, but Umathela isn't in print anywhere else to my knowledge. (Note that it in a few particulars it may contradict what Sandy Petersen posted on Umathela a few years ago; I haven't yet figured out which interpretation is more fun.)

Erik Nolander wondered

> 1) Are there any published sources detailing myths of the Lunar Empire?
> More specifically, myths about the Red Goddess and the Seven Mothers?

If you can handle a rather esoteric work in progress, The Fortunate Succession (available from Wizard's Attic) has some, though it's mostly disguised as history.

> 2) While rolling up a High Llama Storm Bull initiate, one of my players
> asked me what exactly the taboo against horses meant. Does it mean that
> horses are Extremely Holy to the Praxians or that they hate them and try
> to kill them on sight

The latter. And I play that they won't eat them (though in truth, this latter part is probably observed in the breach in Prax's harsh environment).

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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