Creative HP accountancy.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 15:43:18 +0100 (BST)

Guy Hoyle says, of the Creatures Book chart for hp/location:
> You're supposed to be able to multiply the creature's total hit
> points by .40, .33, .25, or -16 to get the appropriate hit points for
> a specific location. However, the results I get from using this
> formula don't exactly correspond to the chart, and I can't figure out
> how they got the results they did.

Looks to me like they used, for the range "m -- n", column d:

ceiling (n * d)

(The function "ceiling" means "round up all fractions".)

So for example, HP 64, column 0.40 falls into the 64--66 range, and 66*0.4 = 26.4, which gets rounded up to 27. Personally I'd say the table was "wrong" in such cases (this guy is getting a free hitpoint, but are _you_ going to argue with him about it?), but if you want to stick to it, I think that's how they arrived at it.

Hope this helps,

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