Kings of Alkoth

From: Dennis Hoover <>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 15:46:41 -0400

Stephen Martin wrote:

<<So, why in Alkoth and Dara Happa should we have
<<I suggest a different RW word be used[:] Tyrant.>>

First, the roles of the two [three] kings are so different, that we either had to have a fairly generic term, like king, with the emphasis on Red or Green [or Black], or we had to have different terms for the kings. And since we were trying to emphasize that the Green [and Black] aspects of Shargash are just as important as the Red, we wanted the same term for all of them. Other terms for ruler (like tyrant) have more specific connotations that are wrong for Alkoth.

Second, the specific real world model for the kings of Alkoth is Sparta, Sparta had two kings, who were also religious leaders, holding the priesthoods of Zeus Lacedaemon and Heavenly Zeus (as well as having a nebulous power-sharing arrangement). There's also a little bit of the Roman Consulate thrown in there in the division of responsibilities (a la Field Consul and Rome Consul, but Consul is way wrong).

Third, I think you should stick with something generic unless you have specific reasons for the more specific names. Thus we have Sultans and Shahs in Carmania to emphasize the Persian connection, but we have King of Sartar rather than trying to dig up an obscure Celtic or North Germanic word for king.

24 August, 1997 2:46 PM

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