The... Trollophone!

From: James Frusetta <>
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 1997 22:49:11 -0400 (EDT)

All the discussion about Troll music reminded me --

Anyone familiar with the Muppet Show? Years ago, they had the Muppetphone - -- a line of fuzzy red thingees that screamed "Ow!" when smacked with a mallet. The musician lined 'em up and played "Lady of Spain," I recall.

Far too much MGF to be missed here. Clever trolls will raise trollkin and train them to sing specific notes when struck (using the clippers to make sure those high, clear notes are preserved on the high end of the scale). Captured foes can be added where appropriate.

Exceptionally clever trolls will capture ducks, and tour the civilized realms to the delight of duck haters everywhere. ;)

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