Loper People and Trimanes

From: Stephen Martin <ilium_at_juno.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 00:54:24 EDT

Peter Metcalfe
>Looking at Drastic Resolutions: Prax, the Lopers apparently
>worshipped the planet Mastakos (the source of their teleporting
>powers) and not the Blue Moon. Thus any attempt to find a relationship
>between them and the Veldang are doomed methinks.

I wasn't really clear here, if only for space reasons. The Loper People _DO_ worship the Blue Moon. But, as Gloranthan myth shows, there is more than one deity worshiped as the Blue Moon. The one they happen to worship is known to Theyalans as Mastakos.

Remember, according to GRoY the planet Mastakos/Uleria did not move upon the planetary path until shortly before the Dawn. It was in the sky for a couple of hundred years before becoming stuck in one path. During that time, it was free to move around, get closer to earth or farther away.

Also, apparently a number of small stars became part of it.

Now look at the Blue Moon Myth in Troll Gods (Troll Facts #3) -- Annilla has a constellation of stars following her around as she gets nearer to earth and farther away.

The implication here is that the Blue Streak may not be the true Blue Moon we know from Godtime myths. In which case the Loper People may be the only ones left who remember the truth.

Trimanes are another name for Grotarons, also called Maidstone Archers -- they have three hands, after all.

This was discussed at the Black Sheep Races at Gloranthacon V, and generally agreed upon.

Stephen Martin

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The Book of Drastic Resolutions

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