The Goddess of Rape, Once Again.

From: Michael Cule <>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 18:18:09 GMT

Pasanen Panu had this to say:  

> If act of rape would as such create a succubus, there would be a dire
> need of Succubus-Busters 'round. If I compare Pavis to Finland's
> capital Helsinki, Pavis would produce at least four succubi per year!
> Rape will propably strenghten Thed, but by a very minor amount.

Well, I believe that the succubus is only formed if the rape is not avenged.

In the events at Black Rock(? The succubus controlled village in SHADOWS ON THE BORDERLAND) the victim was buried secretly and the succubus used the unshriven body as the focus for its existence.

But this isn't too clear. It certainly isn't true that 1 rape = 1 succubus.

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