Rapes again (Can't we talk about baby seals for a while?)

From: Pasanen Panu <passo_at_students.cc.tut.fi>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 14:16:18 +0300 (EET DST)

> Well, I believe that the succubus is only formed if the rape is not avenged.

 I suggest also, that very violent or otherwise disgusting (=chaotic?)  form of rape would create a succubus. As Thed heroquest on Nikk  Effingham's homepage suggests, Ragnaglar will help himself with male  broos, making a new hole... This would definately create one!

> 1. What is the rate of succubi in Pavis? Could it be four per year & kept
> from becoming overwhelming by Storm Bull, ZZi & other succubusters?

 Ulerian divinations would propably be done weekly to find sexual abuse  and unlovingness, this might be one way of locating & disposing of them.

> to the attention of the gods, who then require that definite & permanent
> corrections be made. In Sun County the guilty can expect an agonising

 Yelmalio (or Sun County's peoples collective consciousness, whichever)  propably noticed only, when dozens of their women carried chaotic babies,  and whole village was ran by chaos. It takes a lot for old stiff-neck  to notice just anything, in His Heavenly Purity.

> of retribution, magicly powerful priests and chaos features/taints would
> tend to make it less likely then RW rape.

 Dorastor book suggests, that even Uroxi might practice this, when  heavily drunk. But I discard that, and share your opinion. This would  also require more "Holy Mother"-goddesses, who are unviolatable.  MOB's scenario Wyrms Hold suggested also rape as satyr's pastime.  I reject this view also, as satyrs worship gods of fertility.  Maybe all rapes would sooner or later result to infertility, except  for broo? I think this would be logical.

> There's a lot of broo. BTW is beastiality the same crime as rape in

 IMHO, no.

 Panu 'Passo' Pasanen.

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