Re: The Glorantha Digest V5 #162

From: Pasanen Panu <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 22:18:28 +0300 (EET DST)

> Baby seals in Glorantha probably fair no better no worse
> than the rest of the wildlife. Doubtless there are seal headed Broo

 I know, I just joked on their cuteness. Anyone seen the Battlelords ad?  "Buy Battlelords or we kill this baby seal!"

 Would be so nice, if a broo with decent Bambi-head would pretend to be  an animal in distress, and the Stormbuller was still having Detect Chaosheadaches   masked by his terrible hangover... And the Chalana Arroy's  healer would close in to help poor sod.. to get axe into the brains!-)

> more soldiers died of infections than in battle in the
> Middle Ages. Many were crippled. But in Glorantha the
> powergamers have won.

 Nope. Any Malian activity in nearest 200 kilometers will get one of those  tiny tiny disease spirits on any wound given. It then is just a matter  of... dice rolls? Lets assume, that all untended wounds do infect,  amputation becomes necessary in a week or so. And if you used that last  drop of precious whiskey and some _clean_ clothing on it, you might get  to roll your CON + medical prowess versus some randomized bacteria amount  on opponents blade. Much much more than just to make another roll against  Wasting Disease. And if it was a broo-weapon, or you put your filthy rag  against the wound, you are a goner, unless you get a professional healer  in a matter of days.

> Glorantha is more than balanced by the variety of ways of
> dying provided.Magical death in Gloranthan battles takes
> the place of RW post battle casualties.

 Nah. Malia would be unemployed if everyone just got caught in a fireball  and left just smoking ashes behind...

 Panu Pasanen.

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