
From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 17:40:18 -0500

	Pasanen Panu 
	> If act of rape would as such create a succubus, there would be
a dire
*	need of Succubus-Busters 'round. 
		Not every act of rape would produce a succubus. Only a
rape occurring when an evil proto-succubus spirit was present, or every 100th rape, or something, would produce a succubus. Simply note the following fact: Rapes are almost certainly more common in Genertela than Pamaltela; even if we ignore the fact that Pamaltela has much more female-friendly societies by and large, Genertela's vastly great population would indicate more such crimes. However, succubi are almost unknown in Genertela, but a well-known horror in Pamaltela. Obviously something else in Pamaltela makes it easier for succubi to appear. Paradoxically, perhaps it is the _rarity_ of rape which does it! This crime is so unusual and dire there, that it tends to attract evil spirits more often. Or perhaps it is Fonrit's slave institution that does it -- no doubt the slavemasters and -mistresses of Fonrit engage in forcible sex as often as any other basically cruel folk who boast total power over others. Or perhaps the fact that Pamaltela is more fertile makes it easier for spirits of twisted fertility to survive.

                >Rape will propably strenghten Thed, but by a very minor amount.

                If it generates a new broo, this isn't a bad enhancement of her strength.

		Jeff Richard
	>Um. . . I don't think the Compromise has anything to do with
the Scholastic concept of Free Will. 
	I agree with Jeff. There are plenty of fatalistic societies in
Glorantha. Examples: Kralorela, Esrola, Teshnos, Fonrit, The Lunar Empire (not so much fatalism there as belief in the Unstoppable Progress of History), and many Malkioni (though not the Brithini).

                >I for one might disagree with Sandy on this one [i.e., rape producing broo]

                Now Jeff, I said that rape occurring with other important reasons paramount would probably not produce a broo. Thus, if a Rokari crusader engaged in rape, it wouldn't have any chance of producing a broo. However, it would probably often produce a wraith.

                        Other possibilities (which can be mixed and matched):

  1. the rape/broo connection is very rare - only once every 1000 rapes or so. Because of this, most cultures are unaware of the connection.
  2. the transformation into a broo occurs with quite a long delay - perhaps it does not begin until the next Sacred Time, and then takes a year or more to complete itself.
  3. one rape won't do it - an individual rapist must commit many rapes before he transforms. To add in a gamesism, perhaps the chance of transformation is 1% cumulative for all the rapes the character has perpetrated, and he doesn't start to roll until he's done a number of rapes equal to his POW. Thus, only the most dedicated serial rapist transform.
  4. rape doesn't turn you into a broo - it just gives you a broo's soul. To undergo a physical transformation a broo shaman or chaos spirit or other suitable entity must cast a certain spell on you, too.
  5. Because of one of the above facts, most cultures are totally unaware of the rape/broo connection.
		Richard Ohlson:
		>	What is the price of raw iron, and what is the
cost to have someone work it?

                In central Genertela, iron costs about 10 times as much as bronze. The cost to have someone work it is 10 times the cost of an equivalent bronze item, plus 1000 L per 10 ENC to have it properly forged.

		Pasanen Penu
		> But as Ikadz is chaotic, and a god  of torture, the
most pious Uroxi cheerfully torture their enemies,
*	not to talk of the Zorak Zorani anti-chaos practices on the
unfortunate  caught broo...
	1) Ikadz is not a god of chaos in any way shape or form. 
	2) Though I claim a rape may turn the perpetrator into a broo, I
do NOT claim that it makes him automatically an initiate of any cult. Though it might make eventual entry easy.

        3) Torturing someone would probably make you well-favored of Ikadz, just as spreading disease would please Malia. Both gods might possibly "bless" you in some way; not necessarily a way you'd enjoy. Example: Ikadz might remove your ability to feel sexual pleasure except when you are in pain; and Malia might make you an immune carrier of an appropriate disease.

	David Cake
	>the Pelorian Blues are Veldang? 
		I was as surprised as you when Greg told me this

        >There is the obvious question of how two independent populations arose on opposite sides of the world. But >also I always thought the blue people of Peloria were water linked, and where blue people in much the same >way as some Weartagi are blue - its an indication of some triolini cross-breeding.

                The Pelorian blues _are_ water-linked - they're children of the Blue Moon, just like the Artmali! The Blue Moon is _definitely_ water-linked.

        >And, not disregarding Sandy's comments that they are quite culturally distinct, do the Pelorian blues believe >in any blue moon (or other celestial body) links to themselves?

                There are no Pelorian blues left. But they came from the Blue Moon Plateau. None are left there - trolls killed any that remained behind, and then took over their religion.

        >Stephen Martin also said (besides confirming that the Lopers are racially Veldang) that the Lopers came from >Pamaltela via Melib in Teshnos - - how did they get there?

                Maybe no one knows any more. They probably came over at the same time as the Men-and-a-Half. There _was_ a landmass there, by the way - the Spike.

"Loren Miller"
>Actually, I wonder if Brithini Horals don't engage in rape as one way
to produce children, and don't view rape as >one of the rewards of military victory.

        In general Brithini don't care for sex, but this smells "true" to me.
>Anyway, in a far more frightening place, imagine how many of the
knights of the Kingdom of War have been >Involuntarily transformed as a result of the evil they have done.

        Cool, and very promising concept.

>Maybe the TASMANIAN WOLF is descended from a bear...

        It's a marsupial. Humans, horses, and bunny rabbits are all more closely related to bears than are Tasmanian wolves. The resemblance of the T. Wolf for a "real" wolf is purely superficial. Internally and skeletally, there are tons of differences. It's kind of like the situation with sharks, porpoise, and tuna - all three look fairly similar externally, because if you want to be a fast-swimming predator, there are only a few usable body shapes; but internally they are clearly from different classes. Just look at the skeletons of a shark, porpoise, and tuna to see what I mean. (For one thing, you'll notice that the shark skeleton is actually _less_ like the tuna than is the porpoise - and in fact sharks are more distantly related to bony fish than are mammals!)

Pasanen Panu
>I have been thinking about starting a new campaign.
>1) There must be a totalitaristic goverment.
>2) There must be guilds, or parties.
>3) Also, it would be nice if it all happened in a one big city.
>Nochet would also do, but who would be opressed?

        You have two potential sources of oppressors if you're not afraid to mess a teensy bit with history:

  1. the Lunars (they'd love to conquer it, and the female-dominant politics are perfect to set up both good guys and baddies; pro-Lunars, anti-Lunars, neutrals, etc.
  2. The Orlanthi - the Wenelian barbarians to the west have long been enemies to Esrolia, and all you have to do is let their latest attack succeed. Suddenly coarsely-garbed male supremacists rule the city. There's a little role-reversal in that you have the more primitive barbarians ruling a sophisticated cityfolk, but that's kind of cool - like the Goths in Rome.
    >Also, what Ralian city-states have the elements 1) and 2)?
    Any states that get conquered by
  3. the Kingdom of Seshnela
  4. the ever-present Orlanthi (they'd be likelier to pillage than conquer, but still ...)
  5. the TROLLS!!! The Stygians have allies among the city-states, they are certainly evil black-magic practitioners, and it's hard to imagine a more oppressive situation than humans ruled over by trolls. Other good possibilities elsewhere in Glorantha: A number of islands in the East Isles have been conquered by the aggressive Empire of Vormain. A single island is almost as good as a single city for purposes of setting up a campaign, and you have almost totally free reign with an East Isle. There are outside factions hoping to stimulate rebellions in the island so that they'd be less likely to be conquered, plus there is the occupying samurai-like warriors from Vormain. In addition, the Vorumai are subdivided into rival clans - each island would be ruled by normally only one clan, but another clan may well foment rebellion in a rival's island so that the Emperor would take away the rule of that island from the obvious incompetent and give it to someone else. The situation here is a lot like that in DUNE. There are Orlanthi-oid barbarians in Umathela that have recently been occupied by the slavemasters of Fonrit. Here you have the interesting sideline that the green and brown elves are friends to the barbarians, but are generally exterminated by Fonritians, so you get dryads and the like trying to help out the oppressed. The folk of Teshnos are oppressed as all get out, and only the ruler of Melib is in position to help them.

Tadaaki Kakegawa /
>In Tales #12, The Cult of Granite Phalanx is assosiated with Red
Emperor and provided the spell Moonspear (I >think it is too powerful spell for such a minor cult, though), but Red Emperor is provided no spell from Granite >Phalanx. Does it mean there are a lot of cults asosiated with Emperor and are omitted ? First off, Moonspear is known to a lot of cults besides the Granite Phalanx - you can, if you like, think of the Granite Phalanx as a very specialized sub-cult of the overarching Lunar Religion that you must be initiated specially into. There are _certainly_ other phalanxes that know Moonspear or similar things.

        Secondly, the Red Emperor gets a very useful product back from the Granite Phalanx -loyalty and obedience, even unto death. How many cults consist exclusively of warriors willing to fight for you?  

And if anyone can explain following spells? Red Emperor:

        Moonripen (Deezola): here's how I use it in my campaign

Ritual Ceremony, reusable, non-stackable This must be cast at night and the phase of the moon noted. It affects an area of ground equal to one km square. Until the next Sacred Time or the crops are harvested (whichever happens first), any pest, blight, hailstorm, flood, or other crop-affecting disaster leaves them safe and sound, but only if the disaster occurs on the same phase of the moon as that on which the spell was cast. Thus, to totally protect a field requires 7 points of Moonripen, but even 1 point tends to improve a field's yield.

	Road Watch(Hwarin Dalthippa)
	I play this as similar to the Issaries Path Watch spell, but
with enhanced or diminished effects depending on the phase of the moon. But Harald Smith's various Hwarin D. spells might be suitable too. Though they need modification according to moon phase, IMO.

 (Stephen Martin)
>Where it says the Pentans worship Eiritha, I think few people would
argue that this is actually Eiritha.

        I think Steve is wrong here. Sure they call her by a different name, and her cult is organized differently, and she has some different spells, but she's still a herd-goddess. In the same way that the ancient Greeks recognized Thoth and Mercury as the equivalents to their god Hermes, the Praxians would certainly recognize that "Umaliam" (my current name for her) was the Pentan version of Eiritha. Stephen is taxonomically a "splitter", while I am a "lumper", so he tends to multiply gods while I tend to treat equivalent gods as the same, even if worshiped by different cults.

>And of course she's not identical to Eiritha-she deals with horses, not
a lot of lesser beasts,

        The Pentans have two deities for their herds - "Hippoi" for horses, and "Umaliam" for cattle. (Remember that most Pentans herd cattle as well as horses). The goddess that the Praxians think is Eiritha is the cattle-goddess, of course, not the horse goddess.

>Note also that much of Eiritha's mythology is specific to the limited
geography of Prax itself, not the general >Wastes. This is also less likely to be true of the Pentan herd goddess.

        Well yes I agree completely here - it's unlikely that "Umaliam" has any myths about Waha or Prax, any more than Thoth's myths corresponded to Hermes'.

Sergio Mascarenhas >

1. "Thed's willing submission to rape provided him [Wakboth] with other, more powerful, brothers and systers" CoT p. 48 What this might mean is that if a women 'willing submits to rape' her child may be a broo or a chaos tainted person.
I don't know what CoT was trying to say, but let's face it -"willing submission to rape" means it's not rape, by definition.

2. IMO a male that comits rape does not necessarily become a broo or an initiate of Thed but there should be a chance of acquiring a chaos feature.
IMO there is no chance of a chaos feature, nor of becoming an initiate of Thed. The broo connection is there, though - even if Thed was not chaotic, I think there'd be a chance of becoming a broo via rape.

3.	IMO we must distinguish four types of rape:
	a)	Rape as a consequence of luxury and uncontrolable
passion; it is more  connected with Subere then with Thed. 
	You mean Seseine, not Subere. But in any case, rape is always
violence mixed with passion. Without the passion, there can't be a rape. Without the violence, there can't be a rape. The two are always intermingled, and therefore always part of Thed's "gift" to the world, thanks to Ragnaglar. A person who is driven to rape by uncontrollable passions is just as violent as one who does so for controllable reasons. Those "uncontrollable passions" can easily be read as Thed making herself manifest in the man.          

Chris Bell
>Regardless of how one feels in regards to the whole Sobjectivist issue,
it's plaion and clear that in differing >regions of Glorantha, different pantheons rule and have sway. The transformation to Broo seems to me that it >would take place across a large part of Genertela, as Thed, under a wide variety of different names, is regarded >as the Goddess or Broos and rape.

        Whether one is subjectivist or not, it is possible to regard the transformation to broo as universal. Look at it this way, Chris (and other subjectivists).

  1. The fact is, broos reproduce exclusively via rape whether they worship Thed or not. Broos are the spawn of rape. This is an objective fact, which doesn't even require belief in Thed as a separate entity. Hence, the transformation to broo doesn't have to be seen as Thed-connected, hence not pantheon-related. (Note that Thed isn't in many pantheons anyway.)
  2. Consider a world in which natural law was as I've claimed (rapes produce broos). Even if this world started out with no broos, the race would begin to exist after a time. The superstitious connection of a mysterious goddess of rape might well be surmised and even become nigh-universal.
  3. Perhaps the connection of broos with rape is being looked at backwards. I.e., you don't turn into a broo because you're acting like one, instead you find yourself acting like a broo because you're starting to turn into one!

>As to the question of 'involuntary initiation' (as brought up by Hugh
McVicker), it seems in order to join a rune cult >there must be an act of free will involved,

        I agree, and I don't think you become an initiate of anybody via rape, torture, or similar blunders. There are plenty of cultures in Glorantha which don't even have the concept of "initiation", so it would be pointless.

End of The Glorantha Digest V5 #164

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