Healing, rape, torture, Evil Lunars and more rape and broos

From: Pasanen Panu <passo_at_students.cc.tut.fi>
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 14:10:00 +0300 (EET DST)

 Thomas Gottschall on a leg being smashed:

> Actually already with Heal 3 I have a good chance to survive this
> without any injury and inconvenience.

 No, you do not. When major part of your body is destroyed, you will  go into a shock. You might want to roll CON*1 to prevent this, otherwise  you are totally out of any kind of action for a minute, at least.  And inconvenience is not a word I would use for a _smashed_ leg.  Remember, too, that after two minutes you can't Heal the leg anymore,  so keep on rolling those CON*1-rolls every round after the first five.

 Sandy Petersen on various matters, mostly broos and rape:

> population would indicate more such crimes. However, succubi are almost
> unknown in Genertela, but a well-known horror in Pamaltela. Obviously
> something else in Pamaltela makes it easier for succubi to appear.

 The mythical pattern of unviolatable womanhood? Vengeance would be taken,  even in a chaotic way.

> Paradoxically, perhaps it is the _rarity_ of rape which does it! This
> crime is so unusual and dire there, that it tends to attract evil
> spirits more often. Or perhaps it is Fonrit's slave institution that

 Or the male population subconsciousness constantly plots rape and  throwing away the female dominance? I am serious here, as I tend to rule  the myths and the gods as collective subconsciousnesses. Fits to my  vision- don't know about anyone elses.

> 4) rape doesn't turn you into a broo - it just
> gives you a broo's soul. To undergo a physical transformation a broo
> shaman or chaos spirit or other suitable entity must cast a certain
> spell on you, too.

 The key idea here is, that doing chaotic acts can make you more and  more chaotic. This makes sense, as even the most mighty broo-boss  rapes the goats and other animals his 'loyal servants' might catch  for him, and the others are given nothing. And looking at the back  of Codex 3 (the yellow one), you'll find the weasel-broo, and the  rat-broo, who would like to rape their chieftain! I would rule, that  every time a broo (or a man) commits rapes (or other equally chaotic  acts) his POW*X times more, he might have a change on a chaotic feature  or other 'blessing.' Perhaps the X would at first be 2, then 4, 8, 16...

> 5) Because of one of the above facts, most cultures are
> totally unaware of the rape/broo connection.

 Broos would know, that in addition of the good feeling they get from  any chaotic act, they might feel sort of surges of power, when act  violates the world heavily enough.

> > But as Ikadz is chaotic, and a god of torture, the
> most pious Uroxi cheerfully torture their enemies,
> 1) Ikadz is not a god of chaos in any way shape or form.

 Then we have different opinions on the matter.

> 2) Though I claim a rape may turn the perpetrator into a broo, I
> do NOT claim that it makes him automatically an initiate of any cult.

 Torture is as such not a chaotic act. But there are forms of torture  that might be, such as torturing for sexual pleasure. Then those would  detect as chaotic, and make the torturer chaotic (or tortured, whoever  is the enjoying participant.)

> Example: Ikadz might remove your ability to feel sexual pleasure except
> when you are in pain; and Malia might make you an immune carrier of an

 An excellent chaotic feature! Explains also, why all the broos wear  just leather armor;-) They still do not wield whips..

> > Nochet would be nice, but who would be the opressor?
> afraid to mess a teensy bit with history:
> A) the Lunars (they'd love to conquer it, and the
> female-dominant politics are perfect to set up both good guys and
> baddies; pro-Lunars, anti-Lunars, neutrals, etc.

 Lunars seem to be the most fertile ground, as they have all kinds  of secret polices and they generally are the lowlifes of Glorantha.

> C) the TROLLS!!! The Stygians have allies among the city-states,
> they are certainly evil black-magic practitioners, and it's hard to
> imagine a more oppressive situation than humans ruled over by trolls.

 Yes. This is a must-have. Although it might be the other way around, too.  Imagine those evil Industrial Light & Magic users roaming the troll  caves, clad in poison metal, collecting taxes in lead, mushrooms and  in magical items.

> be conquered, plus there is the occupying samurai-like warriors from
> Vormain. In addition, the Vorumai are subdivided into rival clans - each
> island would be ruled by normally only one clan, but another clan may
> well foment rebellion in a rival's island so that the Emperor would take
> away the rule of that island from the obvious incompetent and give it to
> someone else. The situation here is a lot like that in DUNE.

 The problem here is, that it lacks the people's power-system I like.  Hard to become chieftain, when not from ruling family, etc. Whereas  guilds are perfect way of making fortune and grabbing power, even if  you are poor, if you are ruthless enough.

> There are Orlanthi-oid barbarians in Umathela that have recently
> been occupied by the slavemasters of Fonrit. Here you have the
> interesting sideline that the green and brown elves are friends to the
> barbarians, but are generally exterminated by Fonritians, so you get
> dryads and the like trying to help out the oppressed.

 Not much material out there, or what? When I use Lunars, I have loads  and loads of books in the nearest library, just waiting for my campaign..  Otherwise racial politics are interesting, and I think I will use the  troll/human dominance somewhere. Thanks a lot for the flood of ideas!

> 3) Perhaps the connection of broos with rape is being looked at
> backwards. I.e., you don't turn into a broo because you're acting like
> one, instead you find yourself acting like a broo because you're
> starting to turn into one!

 It takes more than a fumbled Craft: Cookery-roll to start transformation!  And if it had nothing to do with the individual, it still should not be  spontaneous. A chaotic spirit might be causing it, or something. Think  about it: "Honey, I think something weird is happening to me..." ;-)

 Panu 'Passo' Pasanen.
 Gloranthapage http://www.students.tut.fi/~passo/glorantha.html

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