RE: new creation, zulus

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 17:51:15 -0500

	Jane Williams

>found that the metal associated with Air is Silver. The Moon
(not an
>element anyway in my book) doesn't get a metal.
Sometimes the Air metal is considered to be bronze, in
which case Moon gets silver. The metal/elemental connections are far from obvious in all cases.

>I'm also trying to sort out how animals get attached to the
elements: most

>is pretty obvious, but I'm still trying to understand how birds
can be

>Fire rather than Air.

                Think of it as "sky" instead of air, and it might make more sense. Also consider that the huge majority of birds are diurnal, light-loving creatures. In any case, the association of animals with elements is a Theyalan practice which is far from universal.

	 Andrew Joelson
*	lot of people are commenting abut the YE/New Creation getting
interrupted before Storm came along. Could >someone please relate what heppened?
Sure. When the Spike was destroyed, a new chaos void appeared in the middle of the universe (and Kajabor World-Killer stepped out). In the middle of this void, a new, smaller creation started, in the same manner that Glorantha started up in the middle of the larger chaos void. This creation was halted by Magasta's success in plugging the hole, but four of the five basic elements managed to get themselves created. Goddess only knows what other relics from that second creation are floating around the cosmos. The Young Elementals were basically unknown until Lunar explorations turned them up. Note that this may help explain why the Lunars don't particularly fear a Chaotic end to the universe.

>A Zulu Warrior had to 'wash his spear' (in blood) before he
could marry. A) all zulu males were warriors >unless they were witch doctors. B) this did not apply to the women.

                Zulus didn't marry individually - a whole impi would be married at once, to an impi of women. Each individual warrior didn't have to have killed an enemy - it was enough for the impi to have performed successfully in battle. In fact, any spear thrust into a still-living enemy (it's possible that dead ones counted too) would count as washing one's spear.

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