Heroquesting Farmers

From: Pam Carlson <carlsonp_at_wolfenet.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 21:25:24 -0700

Jeff says:

Depends on what scale. Vargast Varmandson reenacted the baths of Nelat when he grabbed a flaming coal from a brazier to prove he walked the path of Orlanth the Warrior. (ie, had passed his rune lord initiation tests). He didn't do the whole bath quest in the underworld, but then, he isn't really Orlanth. He did grab a coal without being burned, however, which was something the rest of he clan could not do.

FUTURE VARMANDI HEROQUESTS Well, we got to be heroic in our last session. The whole Malani war host came to wipe out the Varmandi clan. The Varmandi were outnumbered over three to one. To make a long story short, we couldn't hold on to Varmand's Hall. So Varmand asked for volunteers to sing the death song and hold the Malani while the women & kids fled. Most of the PC's volunteered, to save their families. So Baranthos King's Kin Slayer, Killer Korol the Poet, Venharl the Husband of TheyaTwo Mothers, Varmand the Bear, his son Maniski, and his wife Eonislora are all dead.

But before they made their final charge, they completed the ritual arming of Orlanth, their wives arming them for death as Vingkot's wife armed him to face the Chaos Man. Maniski Varmandson turned his back on his kin to become Humakt the Sword. Eonislora slew eight Hyaloring hostages in full view of the Malani host, calling down the curses of Maran Gor on her brother Berenwulf (the king of the Malani), who was soon to be a kinslayer.

As the Varmandi women & children fled the fort, led by Vargast Varmandson, the Malani raiders rode around to slaughter them. Vargast called Orlanth himself to send his concealing mists to hide his people from their foes. They made it to the hills, where their grain, silver, and valued belongings had been carefully hidden. (Asrelia's "Hide Wealth" does have its uses!)

Now the Varmandi have to live without fields or steads. They have to appeal to other aspects of Ernalda, finding the rituals to worship the Lady of the Wild, the King of Oldtop, and Odayla the Hunter. They are even thinking of kidnapping the goddess of the valley, so the cursed Orleving (spit) can't ever farm it.

See? There are no heroquests in the lives of everyday Gloranthas. Nope. None.


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