Jose on Malkioni Sacred Time

From: Nick Brooke <>
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 04:19:12 -0500

Jose writes:

> In Rokari lands the Holy time is a dual time. The first week is a
> carnival, full of celebrations and where most of the social rules
> can be ignored. The winter stocks that have not been depleted are
> emptied in big parties. The high point of the year, where you
> celebrate the passing of another year, and God's bounty.
> The second week is given to religion. We are alive, true, but
> Solace is far away and many will not make it. Fasting, prayers and
> communal services abound. Many of the community magics are worked
> at this time. It is the starting point of many quests for Lords and
> Knights (less involved in the ceremonies).

I'd turn this on its head, following the common RW pattern of fasting before celebration. The first week would be the time for belt-tightening,=

ashes and lamentations, self-sacrifice and prayer. Then the celebrations of the second week have more reason for exuberance: they're the big blow-=

out before the returning of the mundane year (and back to work).

Fasting before a big celebration is significant. Fasting *after* one...

Just my 2p,


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