Re: Plate Gigantodraconomachics

From: Nick Brooke <>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 1997 03:33:24 -0500

I write:

>> the actual effect [of the War of the Giants and Dragons] on Gloranthan= s
>> today can be written on the back of a postage stamp.

Joerg rebuts:

> Not entirely, since IMO this myth is about explaining the absence of
> plate tectonics yet providing reasons for mountain ranges...

And the actual effect of plate tectonics on the RW Bronze Age was...? I'm not talking Earthquakes, Thera Eruptions and the like; I'm talking about knowing the actual reasons *behind* these manifestations.

My character in a Caesar's Gallic War campaign should *need* to know just=

as much about plate tectonics, as my character in a Dragon Pass campaign knows about the primaeval War of the Dragons and Giants. IMHO. Now, the ref can always introduce a special reason for this to become *important* (e.g. the campaign centres around places holy to the Giants, Dragons, Dragonewts, etc., where manifestations from the primordial War are still messing up everyday life), but this is surely an exceptional case. You don't *need* the Order of Battle for the third great campaign of Giants against Dragons, back when Glorantha wore diapers and drank primordial soup, to play in the world today -- any more than you need character stats for Australopithecus vs. Smilodon to run a Crusaders-era campaign.

Jose's list of places Rokari younger sons go to ease population pressure in a rigid society seemed to omit the most obvious: Sir Richard's crusade=

to Malkonwal (South Heortland). Look at the younger-son-pressure that (in=

part) led to the real-world Crusades: it's as bad (if not worse) when you=

add caste "rigidity" (however flexible in practice).

Also note that the Lords of modern Seshnela are descended from the victor= s
at Asgolan Fields, regardless of the previous caste of their ancestors. God makes His intentions plain upon the field of battle, righting injusti= ce
and restoring His faithful to their deserved position...


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