very cool web sites

From: Loren Miller <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 12:55:09 -0500

Two interesting web sites for those interested in using history in their games...
  1. The Thebes Mapping Project has been mapping the tombs in the valley of the kings, including the tomb of the sons of Rameses II (KV5), which seems to have more than a hundred rooms in it. If you have ever wondered how a real underground labyrinth was designed, here are the best drawings I've ever seen of one, and they are very adaptable to any campaign.

<a href=>TMP Home Page</a>

2. Russia is a great big country, and with its history starting with the House of Rurik (ahem) in A.D. 862, it has a lot of inspiring ideas for your own pseudo-medieval setting.

<a href=>
The House of Rurik</a>

<a href=>
Russian History Home Page</a>

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