Re: Pamaltelan Hsunchen

Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 14:01:12 -0500 (EST)

David Dunham:  

<< Are there any hsunchen folk on the continent of Pamaltela? Sandy Petersen  mentioned that there are were-jackals, but that they're not hsunchen.I'm inclined to believe that there aren't any (Martin Crim's article saying there are tiger hsunchen to the contrary).>>

      There are known to be Basmoli in Tarien - who remarkably speak the same language as their Praxian and Ralian counterparts. Sofali are also known in Pamaltela, as are bat-Hsunchen. And the Pamaltelan tiger-Hsunchen are official; they get a mention in the Genertela Player's Book (of all places). Troll Gods even mentions the existence of human Aranea-worshipping spider-Hsunchen in the Pamaltelan jungles!

      I expect Hsunchen are just as common in Pamaltela as the northern continent, and there are probably others in the Eastern Isles. Some possibilities besides those we already know of include hyaenodon-Hsunchen, chalicothere-Hsunchen, hunting-dog-Hsunchen. I particularly like the last idea; the hunting dog's sexual role-reversal is just crying out for a Hsunchen adaptation IMHO.

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