Malign earth and old farts

From: Pasanen Panu <>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 22:28:01 +0200 (EET)

> malign earth: infertility, impotence, sending spirits of the wild against
> the crops of one's foes (in a sort of "blast earth"), etc. We've used
> rituals, plant lore, and conventional spells to enact all these.
> Basically, I just think of the effect we want to achieve, find a myth that
> produces the effect, and reinact it. Of course, sometimes you get results
> you didn't expect...

 The description Theya gave was far more scary. Unless, very  powerful magic was used, DI- like. Having Second Mouth cast on  defiler's very own wife sounds like a nasty one. So does dying  from starvation with whole family. And the rats. Mythos rides again.

> there are scary old women ans wise old men. There are also scary old men
> and wise old women.

 The wise old men have, in my campaigns, often been old buggers, who  instead of advising, constantly complain about todays youth and  moan about their aching back and sore tooth (the last one, yes).  These old wise men are then asked to educate the unruly kids  (the to-be-adventurers?-) with stories about the past. Yippee,  I'd say. Others are playing outside, why do we have to listen  to that old fart?-)

 Panu Pasanen. (No offence meant to old farts out there!-)

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