Babs Gor protetresses

From: D. Pearton <>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 12:30:35 -0800 (PST)

Mr. Tines
> Pam Carlson
> > Does every clan Ernalda shrine need a guard? Just who is going to defile
> it
> > - - certainly not the clan members!
> Mundane raiders, be they from feuding clan, or
> something in a different ecological niche like
> trolls; plus the ritual enemies at the various
> ceremonies throughout the year.
> > Are we talking about an agrarian society here? Do Orlanthi really have
> the
> > luxury to allow their teenagers to lounge about aimlessly with weapons?
> I
> One (1) person per shrine, stuck with what is in effect
> punishment detail, multiplied by however-many clans.
> Not whole gangs of disaffected inner city youths per steading.
> Am I honestly that unclear in my writing?

I'm sorry, but I just do not believe that this holds together. A single teenage girl, sent on a punishment duty, is going to guard the shrine against trolls and raiders? Much more likely that this is the role primarily of the clan huscarls - that is largely what their role is anyway. Even the carls defend the clan when necessary.

I am quite willing to accept that as a punishment some poor rebellious girl might be cast as Babs during a religious ceremony, but I don't believe that this requires anything more than a normal Ernaldan initiation. Come to think of it that would be a fairly nasty threat - what normal young guy would associate with the poor girl once it became known that she was "Babeester Gor".


These are not neccesarily the views of the rest of the Seattle Farmers Collective (although they might be close, and, as Pam says, we do share beer - homemade at that!).

Down he sank in a chair-ran his hands through his hair-	+
     And chanted in mimsiest tones			+
Words whose utter inanity proved his insanity,		+
     While he rattled a couple of bones.		+
"The Hunting of the Snark" Lewis Carroll		+


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