Admantium, truestone, order and chaos.

From: Bill Thompson <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 21:51:52 -0800 (PST)

"Within the infinite realms of Chaos, the empty void, lay the power of disorder.
Deep in the heart of Chaos, disorder stirred..."

When we examine the relationship between Chaos, Law, Truestone, and Adamantium we must remember that all these things come from Chaos. Even the Gods themselves
were born of chaos, and from Chaos comes their power.

"Mostal was the father God...With his divine hands he reached deep into Chaos and stole the material needed to forge and build the world."...GOG

Mostal reached out and took raw CHAOS through the power of his forge he imparted order. This is not without Mythic grounding. The act of forging is an act of creation whether it be in the physical world (taking ore and making a plowshare) or sociologically (forming a cohesive society from independant clans).

"Mostal lived upon a great and immortal mountain called the spike. It had this name because its roots were in the underworld, its shaft pierced the world of the elements, and its fine point rested in the heavens. Thus it nailed all the realms of the Gods together. The spike was made of truestone, which was the physical manifestation of the law of the Gods"....GOG

"This magnificent structure was also sometimes the spike, because its immutable body and laws were said to hold the universe together. Acos was the architect, and as he was God of law it was also said that the immortal mountain was made of Truestone, which was the solid and inanimate incarnation of mindless law."....GOG

Truestone then is simply refined Chaos and the world is the dross that was cast off during the forging. The only difference between Chaos and Truestone
is simply that the Truestone has been ordered by the forge.

"An opposite of chaos? Now, now (waves upper left tentacle), that is almost an illuminating question, since everything is Chaos. You are Chaos. I am Chaos. The world around us is Chaos. Chaos is void and enthropy and instability, but it also endless possibility, and that possibility wouldn't be endless unless it included being and structure and stability. What is, is a form of Chaos. What isn't, is a form of Chaos. What could be, is a form of Chaos. That which couldn't be would not be Chaos, since Chaos includes everything possible, but since everything is possible within Chaos there is nothing which couldn't be, and thus there is nothing but Chaos." Erik Sieurin- Digest Volume2

">Is the Law rune opposed to the Chaos rune? [I had stated that it was]
>I seem to recall reading something to the effecte that it is not
>thought of that way. I think the Chaos rune is opposed to ALL the
>other runes in equal measure.--source unknown, sorry

The RQ II rulebook says it is but doesn't give the Law Rune. Since you can have Gods with runes of Chaos and Air for example (Ragnaglar), this is plainly absurd and so the God Learners spout out that Nothing is safe from the taint of chaos. All vaccuous nonsense, if you ask me." - - --Peter Metcalfe- digest v1

Admantium then is Truestone that has been taken by the Mostali and tempered. In effect they have taken and strengthened the order within it.

The conclusion here is that Law is not the antithesis of Chaos, Order is. Eurmal was not a chaotic God so much as he was a dis-ordered God.

Magic is a weakening of the ties of order which allow Chaos to act in the world (a microcosm of the God world) and from the Chaos comes the true power of magic creation.

Admantium as a refined source of order reinforces the order of the world around it
and hence becomes the bane of magic. Acting to tie together that which magic loosens.

Bill Thompson

"I remember gaudy days

        when the year was springing:
Tammuz, Gilgamesh, and I

        Clinking cups and singing..."


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