Sun gods

From: Sergio Mascarenhas <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997 11:04:48 -0000

Stephen Martin:
> Nick Brooke mentioned worship of "Yelmalio" in Prax since the Second Age.
> May I suggest that the name of their deity was not Yelmalio, that this
> name is something they gained from Monrogh after he convinced them that
> his vision applied to them as well? Isolated as they were, and
> oft-invaded, I could believe the Praxian Yelmalions would no longer
> remember the true name of the deity they worshiped.

I was thinking about all this discussion on the relation between Elmal and Yelmalio and here are my two cents (in fact, four) on the issue:

  1. Differences in language In the RW you find SUn (English), SOLeil (French), SOL (Portuguese). All this words meen the samething in different languages developed by different peoples. Why shouldn't ELMal, YELM, YELMalio represent the same patern of different - but similar and with the same root - words to designate the same entity? And, Stephen, I'm certain that in Prax they don't say Elmal, Yelm, or Yelmalio but have their own variation to call their god.
  2. Differences in cult (wether the different cults worship the sun in its full power - light and eat - or in a limited way) These could represent cultural differences resulting from different needs to adapt to different environments. For instance, in Prax you don't need to worship the 'eat' aspect of the sun since it is always warm. In colder places it becomes very important. A RW example: once I read an explanation to why european cristianity allowed people to drink alchoolic beverages - these beverages are almost parasit free while water was contaminated most of the time (before we were able to purify it). It was possible to musslins to forbid alchoolic beverages because they had the abit of dinking tea and cofee (boiled drinks) or non-alchoolic fermented drinks - in other words, they had different ways to deal with the problem of contaminated waters. Here we have a common problem - the need for safe drinks - different mores to deal with it - alchool vs. other possibilities - resulting in opposite religious practices.
  3. How the different sun cults relate The first Portuguese to arrive in India in the 15th century thought that Hindus and Budists were cristians given the apparent similarities in cult, because translators mistakenly confirmed that idea, and because they expected and wished to find cristians in India. Why wouldn't an Elmal worshiper going to Prax be confused in the same maner and think that the Yelmalio cultist were in fact Elmali? Or a Pelorian Yelmalio worshiper mistake Elmal for Telmalio?
  4. Do the different sun cults have the same origin? There are two possibilities: the historian and archeologist aproach could demonstrate that maybe, maybe not. Te problem is that I doubt you can find a cientific historian or archeologist in Glorantha. The uncientific aproach would certainly be to try to find some connections... if they are politicaly useful. Some RW examples: in the middle ages most kings were able to demonstrate their direct linage to Adam and Eve! The copt cristians in Etyopia demonstrated that their king - called throughout the middle ages the Prest John - descended from the Queen of Saba and the king Salomon. Ask a Macedonian nationalist and he will show you is direct linage to the followers of Alexander the Great. Conclusion: Lunars may try to demonstrate that all types of sun worship have a common Dara Happan origin and that barbarian cults should search to return to their original purity...
    • ------

A completely different mather: in the end of October while I was outside of Lisbon someone sent me a message asking me my Mini-Duck Pack (that is hibernating for the time being). Unfortunatelly I deleted the message and was unable to recover it. If you are reading this, please, contact me again so I can answer your request.


Sergio Mascarenhas

End of The Glorantha Digest V5 #231

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