
From: Giles Hill <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 97 22:36 GMT0

What fine men Mssrs "Beyke, Maurice A" and Oliver D. Bernuetz are. How well, their thoughts run in simpatico with my own (I think that gets me past rule 3).

While I believe that Orlanthi prefer the Alynx over the Dog its a purely religious thing Alynx are Yikins servants, Dogs is just dogs. However IMG no one owns an Alynx they are Yinkins servants not yours. The stead is blessed should one decide to visit, twice blessed should it join the hunt and thrice blessed should it stay, but you dont own it so dont be surprised if you wake up and its moved on.

Alynxs are above all holy animals, IMG they are treated much like cows in India. You stepover them where they lie in the doorway enjoying the sun, you sit on another stool rather than turf it out from where it ocupy the warmest place by the heath fire. Now if your dog tries that it gets a swift kick.

Dogs and Alynxs are not mutually exclusive Just because you have dogs doesnt mean Alynxs wont visit your stead perhaps theyll do it less frequently Dogs are so tiresome and noisy after all but knowing felines theyll come if only to make sure the dogs know who the boss is and to retrieve the offerings that you leave out for Yinkin.

Even if you accept that Alynxs are owned, trained and bred there are just some jobs that dogs can do better than Alynxs

As a guard the dog is more vocal about protecting its perceived territory more so because of the strong pack instinct that they exhibit. Felines tends to rely on stealth to defeat perceived threat, but if its my stead or the herd/flock being attacked I want to know about it.

Dogs can be trained for combat just as well as Alynxs and in some respects are better at heavy combat than them. While Im sure Odayla (sp) hunters would far rather prefer an Alynx with which to hunt. The common man would Im sure be just as happy flushing and retrieving game with dogs

While I'm not sure that being more vocal is much protection against the Telmori Wolfbrother IMG being able to breed a dog for the best characteristics required for the job makes them a lot more versatile than Alynxs. wether its Terrier, Wolfhound, Setter, whippet.

I think that before I accept that Orlanthi do not keep dogs someones going to have to come up with something a bit more convincing. With a strong dose of mythic backing/rational.

Giles Hill

Who has kept dogs for company and cats so that they can use him as a scratching post

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