Broos & Yanafal Tarnils

From: Sandy Petersen <>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 18:54:57 -0600

Eric Hansen
>Broos reproduce by implanting larvae, not through normal sperm-egg
procreation. Therefore, the "mother" (really just a host) >provides no genetic code for the child, but is simply used for incubation.

        Gloranthan genetics are not the same as terrestrial genetics. Gloranthan reproduction is about fertility and sex, not germ cells. Example: walktapi are sexless, yet two walktapi tearing one another to shreds manage to exchange "genetic" information in the fighting process. Broos are male -- they do not implant an egg into their victim, yet an infant broo results. This infant broo quite commonly embodies features of its mother. This is one of the reasons that broos are so varied in form, and why you find goat-broos in Sartar, impala-broos in Prax, pig-broos in Fonrit, and grayskin-broos in Dorastor. Among others. The "mother" of a broo _does_ affect the appearance of his or her offspring, though not as much as the father.

>Broos can mate with rocks and trees?

        Not very often -- this is more or less the result of a particularly fertile father broo going nuts, or of some particularly vulnerable non-mammalian target (example: a broo rapes a dryad who then goes into her tree and stays there throughout gestation). But in my campaigns, my players have faced at least one broo which was part red-hot bronze stove (presumably "dad" cashed in his chips during the mating) and another which was evidently part beehive -- at least it had an entire swarm in its belly (and burped them out at the PCs).

Derrick Jones
>One of my players is interested in the Lunar deity of Yanafal Tarnils,
hoping that this is a 'Lunarified' Humakt type cult.
>Does anybody have any information on the deity

        Yanafal Tarnils is indeed a "loony" form of Humakt. Or, in New Pelorian: Yanafal Newsword Goodkiller. OldHumakt Strictslave RigidFix.

        Yanafal has his own features that are somewhat different -- notably different geases. But in general the cults are very similar -- only naturally, since Yanafal Tarnils himself was a Sword of Humakt before his conversion. The leaders of YT are of course termed Scimitars. Oh yes, culturally they are different from Humakt, because YT is a politically important sect within the Empire for those in the Red Army. It's not that you _can't_ be promoted if you're a non-Yanafal, it's just that promotion is more talent-dependent. Oh yes, if this kind of thing is importnat to your players, YT doesn't get a reusable Sever Spirit. He does have allied cults though (the other Mothers). Yanafal does have one unique spell of his own which is kind of interesting.

Return From Death
7 Points
Ritual Enchantment, Stackable, One-use
This is a kind of pre-Resurrection. If the Scimitar has sacrificed for this spell, then the next time he is killed, this spell automatically activates on the next strike rank, healing all damage and bringing him back to the land of the living. The Scimitar does not have to return from death if he does not want to. If the Scimitar was killed by statistic loss (i.e., STR, CON, etc.), the damaged stat is restored to his species minimum. This spell has no effect on death due to POW loss.

        This spell can be stacked, in which case the Scimitar can be repeatedly killed, springing back to life each time.

Nick Brooke
>Checking something: we agree that Telmori transform on Wildday,
wherever they are, and it's "just bad luck" that in Dragon >Pass, Wildday is the same as the Full Moon phase (though this ain't so elsewhere), thus *locally* associating the Red >Moon with vicious chaos beasties. Yes?

        Hold on now Nick. First convince me that werewolves don't transform on the Full Moon phase regardless of the day of the week. I find it hard to believe that the lunar cycle hasn't affected the poor beasts. After all, werewolves are traditionally moon-linked creatures.

        Personally, I find it easy to believe that before the Red Moon rose, werewolves transformed on the day of the Blue Streak. Since this was a rather complex varying cycle, the Red Moon was an unmitigated blessing to the poor critters. One more great sample of how the Goddess has helped everyone. Now we all know just when werewolves will be howling and can take extra precautions, plus if we happen to be a werewolf we can plan ahead. Goddess Moonbeast Happymake.

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