Wildday Wolves

From: Joerg Baumgartner <joe_at_toppoint.de>
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 97 14:25 MET

Sandy Petersen replying to
>Nick Brooke
>>Checking something: we agree that Telmori transform on Wildday,
>>wherever they are, and it's "just bad luck" that in Dragon Pass,
>>Wildday is the same as the Full Moon phase (though this ain't so
>>elsewhere), thus *locally* associating the Red Moon with vicious chaos
>>beasties. Yes?
> Hold on now Nick. First convince me that werewolves don't
>transform on the Full Moon phase regardless of the day of the week. I
>find it hard to believe that the lunar cycle hasn't affected the poor
>beasts. After all, werewolves are traditionally moon-linked creatures.

Well, so was a certain oasis in Prax (Moonbroth), which has a geysir erupting every Wildday.

Of course, that oasis happens to lie in the appropriate segment of Glorantha...

> Personally, I find it easy to believe that before the Red Moon
>rose, werewolves transformed on the day of the Blue Streak.

I don't really think so. It was Talor who pronounced the curse. What did he have to do with the Blue Streak? What did he see behind the gate of Banir (whence, I suppose, Harmast and friends brought him back) to choose this cycle?

Wildday has the beast rune in the Theyalan calendar, right?

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