Re: Ralian Pure Ones; Morokanth

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 1997 17:35:57 -0800

Paolo Guccione asked

> what do Ralians believe about Telmori? Do
> they think that all Wolf-people turn into werewolves or do they know the
> difference between Pure Ones and Cursed Ones, assuming that a difference
> exists?

"Ralians" covers a huge amount of ground, but I think only the folk of Lankst have enough contact with Telmori to be able to distinguish a difference. I know that in my campaign, nobody in East Ralios would know. (And if they did know, I can't see it making a difference -- Telmori are evil because they steal your cows, not because of some chaos taint that only a few Bemuroki can sense. If some of them are cursed by Arkat, it serves them right -- but doesn't exonerate Arkat.)

Jane Williams asked of Morokanths:

> Did they have their own deity, before Waha
> arrived? Were they created in that strange form for some reason, or what?

Presumably the Founder, Protector and Ancestress, just like any other Praxian tribe.

What do you mean, strange form? Look at humans! They have a totally inappropriate form for living in Prax. Their skin can't be out in the sun all day, and is torn with the slightest contact with most of the vegetation. To say nothing of the folly of having male genitalia that flops around. Their form is so strange that they have to cover it up.

> To what extent are they associated with the Darkness Rune? What other
> beings are associated with that Rune, apart from Trolls? Is Darktongue
> the rune/cult language of Darkness, or is it linked to the unique senses
> of trolls?

Enough that they can be the Darkness creatures of a heroquest. Insects are creatures of Darkness as well. I can't imagine that Morokanth speak Darktongue.

> Any of the experts on GRoY/FS etc. found Morocanth references in there?

I don't recall any (though they may well be lumped in as "digijelm").

> I gather Prax had a fair amount of Sky worship pre-Waha? If so, how did
> they get on with Morocanth, before Morocanth were known to herd "humans"
> but also before the bond of "us Praxians v. the rest" was there?

I think Prax had a fair amount of earth worship: Genert is Earth-related. All we know of their sky worship is the name of the god Yamsur; we don't know that he's at all important. (Actually, I'm not even sure we know he's male.)

BTW, I speculate that before the Morokanth herded humans, they hunted them.

David Dunham <> Glorantha/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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