Broos and Wolves

From: Mark Sabalauskas <>
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 19:00:59 -0500 (EST)

        With all the discussion about broos, it's probably worth noting that the 70th footnote to the Annotated Argrath's Saga describes broos, and then mentions that "We are lucky none live today." Of course, things got so bleak at the end of the Hero Wars, that one is tempted to imagine that it was humans who died out, and that the folk who "rediscovered" literacy are actually broos who don't realise that they are wrong in thinking that their ancestors built the ruins about them.  

        Okay, so this isn't very likely. But I must admit the idea of running a scenario involving a party of Outer Atomic Explorers returning a la Planet of the Apes is awfully tempting.  

> Peter Metcalfe
> ample opportunity for conflicts between the Telmori and the
> sedentary humans. It is IMO this that fuels the conflict and
> hatred between the two cultures rather than some mumbo-jumbo
> about being forced by some ancient curse to turn into wolves.

        True enough. Although I'd guess that up in Fronela, where Saint Talor is a central historical figure, Telmori are hated more than they otherwise would be. "Wolves at Sog's gates" and all that...  

        Of course, part of me wonders what exactly is wrong with mumbo-jumbo having a major cultural impact in a fantastic world. Maybe after the roleplaying game of Gloranthan "reality" is made, a game set in some Gloranthan culture's mythology could be designed.  



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