Re: The mistery of poles for piques in Prax (Digest V5 #261)

From: johnjmedway <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 10:00:08 -0600

>Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 21:49:20 -0000
>From: Sergio Mascarenhas <>
>Subject: The mistery of poles for piques in Prax
- -..
>My tentative answer is the next: when yelmalion went to Prax they took with
>them the trees to grow poles for their piques. They grow those special
>trees along streams and near the Zola Fel river. This was one of the
>reasons why they married Yelmalio to the daughter of ZF as described in RoC
- -..

This is one of those things where I had just been bopping along not thinking of "hey! how's that work?" The transported trees seem like quite a reasonable idea. They use them for the ballista at Harpoon as well, I suppose.

>A final question: what about Agimori? Where do they get the poles for their
>lances and piques?

The close-order train and drill required for pike fighting, or hoplite style warfare just seems inconsistent with a nomad tribe way of life. So, I threw the idea of pike-wielding Agimori out, and left the agimori fighting more like foot tribe of Amerinds or Zulu Impii who just use their own greater than normal personal speed and strength to counter not having mounts.

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