Stars and easterners

From: Nils Weinander <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 21:35:26 +0100

> Since the Kralorelans and Teshnans do not seem to be particularly stellar
> oriented, I would suggest that any such rituals they have work in a
> different manner. For example, the Kralorelan ritual might involve
> draconic formations, or a reconstruction of the Divine Court of whichever
> of their emperors first invented organized warfare.

But the Kralorelans do have star associations, for example when the exarchs moved a star to start the Dragon's Awakening Shudder. And there are the Dragon Stars.

But the emperor's court is a great idea. I think Thalurzni is the best candidate for first general.

The teshnans aren't much into night, so I guess stars aren't their thing. Neither is organized war.

Nils Weinander | Everything is dust in the wind |

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