Ecology of Dryads

From: Giles Hill <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 98 13:33 GMT0

Hi all,

I been having some thoughts about dryads and nature spirits in general, in preperation for an encounter I intend to run in Prax/ROC.

How likey do people believe any of the following:

Dryads rarely/cannot live without some close contact with other Aldryami(sp), Elves or Runners. That perhaps their ecology even requires such a thing. Dryads rarely if ever live in isolation. Dryads must live near to active Aldryami communities, or where such communities used to be.

I find it hard to believe that a Dryad could be found in Prax/ROC outside of the Garden in Pavis and I'm looking for some justification of just that.

I want to bounce some of these ideas around befor I write up the encounter including the history/justification for it.

Thanks, Giles   

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