Prax Documentary?

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 98 22:18 MET

I just saw an old South African documentary movie (retranslated from the dubbed version it's "The funny World of Animals", by Jamie Uys, 1974, with lots of comedy in the comments) on the Kalahari desert (and other places), and couldn't help notice that the climate and most of the beasts were directly Praxian (although buffalos instead of bisons, and giraffes instead of alticameli). I'm faily certain that Greg must have seen this flick when he wrote about life in Prax. Still, I heartily commend this film to anybody who wants to add both fun and drama to his descriptions of Prax.

The film features lions (for the Basmoli?), elephants (long-nose tribe?), baboons (especially one used by a hunter to show him the waterreservoir), termite hills (are there such in Prax?), wart hogs, cheetahs, various antelopes (onyx instead of sable, impalas), a honey badger, and many more.

One of the most astonishing features was the temporary lake which served as breeding ground for thousands of pelicans. There is one such lake just north of Tada's Tumulus, in the Bison Plains, south of Adari.

Now, since in Prax various of the beasts have intelligent counterparts, would there be a clan of ducks inhabiting the area around that temporary lake? Do they hide among the Sleeping Hills during the dry time? Or is this the main newtling "renegades" territory?

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