Re: Horizons

From: TTrotsky <>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 05:55:56 EST

Daniel McCluskey:

<< As a proponent of the "Bendy Light" hypothesis for Earthlike Horizon  Generation, I would like to note that instead of light bending uniformly  Upwards, Light likes to bend towards Yelm. >>

      Wouldn't this mean that there was no horizon at dawn or dusk, since the light would then be moving in a straight line parallel to the ground? And wouldn't the distance to the horizon change as the day progressed? And what about night time, when the light would be bending downwards, towards Hell?

      I'm not convinced by this one.

Peter Metcalfe:

<<>If Yelm is directly overhead in Sog City only a shot time after it is in
Boldholm, then the Dome (and the >distance between the Gates of Dawn and Dusk) is quite large, but if Local >Noon in Sog City is noticably later in the day (to someone from Someplace >Else) then that would indicate a smaller Dome.

To detect this would require something more accurate than waterclocks. >>

     Not necessarily; it depends on the size of the Dome. The accuracy of a really high quality water-clock* is about a quarter of an hour. If the Dome were, say 20,000 km across (i.e. about the twice the diameter of the Inner World) then local noon in Sog City would be around 2 hours later than in Boldhome, which is easily detectable even by a pretty naff water-clock.

    Personally I'd assume that the Dome is (or at least appears to be) a great deal bigger than 20,000 km, but even at 300,000 km it would still be possible to use the method Jonathon describes using high quality water-clocks placed in Sog City and Chi Tang. *If*, that is, light rays are straight on Glorantha, which seems unlikely. So I agree with your conclusion, Peter, but not the method by which you reached it ;-)

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