Yelm and one other thing...

From: Michael Cule <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 23:26:15 GMT

Oliver Benuetz gives a nice illustration of what it's like to be Chief God of the Universe and have no Free Will at all....

But myself, I think from Yelm's point of view he's sitting still on his throne and the world is turning prettily below him. That's what Orlanth did: put Yelm back in his proper place and then gave the Lozenge an enourmous kick and set it spinning......

(How's that for relativism?)

Simon Phipp's suggestion that Valkieries are Hero Spirits of Vinga is too good to turn down. The Warrior Daughters of Orlanth who bring his sons and daughters who die in battle to their rightful place in the Afterlife!

Some else said: (I've lost track of whom):

> Michael Cule
> >You might do something whereby a person can
> >develop their spirit self at the expense of their physical self.
> Shamands and fetches, anyone ?

Nothing like it. Your fetch isn't yourself. I know the rules say it is but it doesn't act like yourself: you don't become your fetch when you enter the spirit plane.

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