
From: Ian Thomson <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 16:13:12 +0000

Game Mechanics:
1) Fumble tables
I want to write new and improved, and amusing fumble tables that are also realistic (in game terms). For spell backfire and for weapon fumble especially, and I wondered if anyone out there has done such a thing already and/or got any ideas
2) This Glassword thing, 25% reduction on hit and parry. I think the wielder would have less of a penalty because of not having merely to rely on sight. They also rely on feeling the weight of the weapon, whereas the opponent cannot. So I suggest -10% on Hit %. I love the idea of magical oddities however :)
3) What would cause all races to band together to prevent a sentient soul being fused into a sword to make it magical? If the creators of the sword had a roving vaccuum that sucked up random sentient souls on their way to whatever place they go to after death. (The creators of this somehow being immune I would suppose) After a few heroes from each race were lost this way, they'd all start to get annoyed. However for the destruction of machine city I much prefer the idea that the dwarves duped everyone. I think i read this here on the digest? It was a dam fine story/idea wherever I read it

Oops, had to fit in a Gloranthan myth idea there :)

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